Chapter X: Gorynych raised the lands further, forming the great mountains of Lyonesse. The trials of scaling mountains is evident in these weapons, as they grant additional gold, orns, and experience when defeating monsters. Additionally, they will increase the rewards when completing quests or memory hunts.
Tier: ★10
Raritate: Legendar
Useable by: Clase războinic
Place: Armă
Atac: 230
Ward: 28%
EXP Bonus: +5%
Aur Bonuns: +10%
Orn Bonus: +10%
Quest Rewards: +10%
Memory Hunting: +10%
Adornment Slots: 6
Cu Două Mâini
Abilitate: Lovitură Fermecată
Deals dragon damage and potentially causes blight.
Dropped by:
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